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   4Cr5MoSiV1 | JIS SKD61 | DIN 1.2344 | ASTM H13

  1. 牌号 Grade 4Cr5MoSiV1 | JIS SKD61 | DIN 1.2344 | ASTM H13
4Cr5MoSiV1   1.2344 H13 SKD61    
  1. 执行标准 Standard GB/T1299-2014
  2. 尺寸、外形、允许偏差 Size , shape ,tolerance
状态 condition 公差 tolerance
磨皮 grinding surface -0/+5mm
车削 machined surface -0/+3mm
自由长度 free length 4-6m
定尺长度 fixed length -0/+50mm
超长 over long 7-23m
弯曲度 straightness ≦3mm/m, 总弯曲度total straightness length ≦ total length总长度0.5%
不圆度 ovality 不大于公称直径公差的0.7倍 Not greater than 0.7 times the nominal diameter tolerance
锻材生产直径范围forged bar dia range 140-600mm
  1. 冶炼方法 smelting process
电弧炉+炉外精炼+真空脱气冶炼,下注钢锭,电渣重熔需在合同中注明 EAF+LF+VD bottom pour ingot, ESR need indicate in contract
  1. 交货状态 delivery condition
退火磨氧化皮、车光、正火、调质,交货状态需合同注明 annealed grinding surface. If need machining, normalizing or Q&T need
indicate in contract

  1. 化学成份 chemical composition
Grade C Mn P S Si Cr V Mo
H13 0.32 0.45 0.2 0.6 0.03 0.03 0.8 1.20 4.75 5.5 0.8 1.2 1.1 1.75
1.2344 /
0.35 0.42 0.25 0.5 0.03 0.02 0.8 1.2 4.8 5.5 0.85 1.15 1.1 1.5
SKD61 0.35 0.42 0.25 0.5 0.03 0.02 0.8 1.2 4.8 5.5 0.8 1.15 1.0 1.5
其他元素检测需要合同注明 other elements test result need indicate in contract.
  1. 交货硬度 hardness
牌号grade 退火状态交货硬度 annealing condition hardness HBW ≦ 试样淬火硬度test specimen hardness after Q&T
淬火温度Q&T 冷却剂cooling agent 洛氏硬度HRC ≧
H13 229 790±15 preheat 1020±6℃ heating, keep 5-15”,oil cooling ,550±6℃ tempering 2 hour  
  1. 低倍组织 酸浸低倍试片上不得有目视可见的缩孔、夹杂、分层、裂纹、气泡和白点。Macrostructure No visible shrinkage,
  2. inclusion, delamination, cracks, bubbles or white spots should be observed on the acid – soaked sample piece 
钢材直径diameter mm 1组 group 2组 group
中心疏松 center porosity 锭型偏析segregation 中心疏松center porosity 锭型偏析segregation
级,不大于 class ≦
≦80 2.0 2.0 3.0 3.0
>80-150 2.5 3.0 3.5 3.0
>150-250 3.0 3.0 4.0 4.0
>250-400 3.5 3.0 4.5 4.0
>400 协商 Negotiate
电渣钢合格级别供需双方协议 ESR steel qualified level need negotiate.
  1. 显微组织 microstructure
  1. 珠光体组织 合格级别1-5级,热压力加工用钢不检测 pearlite 1-5 class
  2. 网状碳化物 直径不大于60MM合格级别不大于3级 carbide network ≦ 3 class
  3. 共晶碳化物不均匀度(冷作模具钢检测)Eutectic carbide inhomogeneity
钢材直径diameter MM 共晶碳化物不均匀度合格级别Eutectic carbide inhomogeneity qualified level
1组group 2组 group
级,不大于 class ≦
>120-400 6 协议Negotiate
>400 协议Negotiate 协议Negotiate
  1. 非金属夹杂物 nonmetallic inclusion
电渣钢结果符合1组,真空脱气钢符合2组 ESR steel conform to 1 group , VD steel conform to 2 group
非金属夹杂物类别nonmetallic inclusion type 1组 group 2组 group
细系thin series 粗系heavy series 细系thin series 粗系heavy series
级,不大于 class ≦
A 1.5 1.5 2.5 2.0
B 1.5 1.5 2.5 2.0
C 1.0 1.0 1.5 1.5
D 2.0 1.5 2.5 2.0
  1. 脱碳层 decarburized layer
脱碳层深度不大于0.25+1%D,直径大于150mm双方协议 decarburized layer depth not greater than 0.25+1%D, diameter over 150mm

  1. 超声检测 UT test
standard as per GB/T6402-2008 /SEP1921 C/c or D/d class. No white spot, slag inclusion, delamination, cracking, shrinkage
and other metallurgical defects are allowed inside the steel

缺陷尺寸级别 defect size level 单个缺陷平底孔直径single FBH mm 连续缺陷平底孔直径continuous FBH mm 连续缺陷最大长度continuous FBH length mm
C 7 5 40
D 5 3 30
E 3 2 30
缺陷数量级别defect qty level 单个缺陷数量single FBH QTY 连续缺陷数量continuous FBH QTY
个数,不大于 number ≯
c 8 4
d 4 2
e 2 1
  1. 表面质量 surface quality
锻材表面没有目视可见的裂纹、折叠、结疤和夹杂,如有上述缺陷就清除,深度不大于截面尺寸4%,清除宽度不小于深度的5倍,There are
no visible cracks, folds, scars or inclusions on the surface. If there are any of the above defects, they should be removed with a
depth not greater than 4% of the section size and a width not less than 5 times of the depth.

  1. 特殊要求 special requirements
超出标准约定范围的供需双方协议 The buyer and the seller negotiate beyond the agreed scope of the standard
  1. 起订量 常规生产牌号没起订量要求,有少量现货,交货期30天 MOQ :the grade regular for us no MOQ request , there are ready
  2. stock for regular diameter . No stock book order 30 days delivery time.
  3. 特点及用途  features and applications: H13工具钢是一种铬热工工具钢,广泛应用于热工模具。特点是良好的耐磨耗低和高温度,
  4. 高水平的韧性和延展性,高水平的可加工性和抛光性,良好的高温强度和抵抗热疲劳,优秀的全硬化特性,变形硬化期间非常有限。钼和
  5. 钒充当强化剂。铬含量有助于模具钢H-13在高温下使用时抗软化。H-13模具钢具有良好的抗冲击和耐磨性,并具有良好的红色硬度。
  6. 它能够承受快速冷却和防止过早的热裂。工具钢H13具有良好的可加工性、焊接性、延展性。 H13 Tool Steel is chromium hot work
  7. tool steels which are widely used in hot and cold work tooling applications. AISI H-13 tool steel is characterized by good resistance t
  8. o abrasion at both low and high temperatures, high level of toughness and ductility, uniform and high level of machinability and
  9. polishability, good high-temperature strength and resistance to thermal fatigue, excellent through-hardening properties, very limited
  10. distortion during hardening. the molybdenum and vanadium act as strengthening agents. The chromium content assists die steel
  11. H-13 to resist softening when used at high temperatures. H-13 die steels offers an excellent combination of shock and abrasion
  12. resistance, and possesses good red hardness. It is capable of withstanding rapid cooling and resists premature heat checking.
  13. Tool Steel H13 has good machinability, good weldability, good ductility。
优势 advantage
余温水淬超细化处理,组织到AS3.用户要求化学成份C, Mo, V P<0.020 S<0.010 O≦2.0 H≦2.0ppm及组织级别、力学性能≥250J都可以控制.
Pouring by gas protected , blooming by fast forging machine, forming by radial
forging machine and spheroidize annealing, forging with high frequency and constant temperature is helpful to eliminate the reticulated carbides
distributed along the grain boundary. We all do superfine treatment at 1000℃ lingering warmth, structure ≦3 class. If customer need control
chemical composition , gas or impact also can do ,
P<0.020 S<0.010 O≦2.0 H≦2.0ppm, impact ≥250J. Round bar length up to 25m,
discs diameter up to 1.2m, forged tube diameter up to 650mm.



版权所有:济宁市达伦贸易有限公司 备案号: 鲁ICP备15035061号 技术支持:济宁老杨工作室

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